Incident Summaries

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The Total Number of Incidents since we started recording them can be found by selecting '-Year' from the Year filter : 299
Alternatively select a specific year to see how many Incidents were reported for that Year.

During 2020 all NCI stations closed for two months at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. On re-opening most stations were single-crewed for the rest of the year.

Please note: NCI Canvey Island was previously know as NCI Holehaven and moved location on Monday 18 October 2021. All NCI Canvey Island Incident Summaries before that date will be in respect of NCI Holehaven at its previous location.

Glossary of Terms
FAWGI = False Alarm With Good Intent, MoP = Member of the Public, NFA = No Further Action, HMCG, CG or MCA = Coastguard, MisPer = Missing Person
CRT = Coastguard Rescue Team, CGOC = Coast Guard Operations Centre, ILB/ALB/LB = Lifeboats, MV = Motor Vessel, MB = Motor Boat,
ML = Motor Launch, FV = Fishing Vessel, PB = Power Boat, PWC = Personal Water Craft ("Jet Ski"), RIB = Rigid Inflatable Boat,
VLCC = Very Large Crude Carrier, UKBF = UK Border Force
Incident No. Date of Incident Station Name Incident Summary Initiated by Lifeboat involved MCA MCA No.
19350 30/06/2017 NCI Prawle Point Local council requested check on possible oil pollution. No sighting at sea. nfa NCI No No n/n
19014 20/05/2017 NCI Prawle Point Reported potential hazardous material on beach to CG. CRT attended to remove. NCI No Yes 9990
18833 23/04/2017 NCI Prawle Point Assisted CG to contact disabled speedboat off Salcombe. Local craft towed her in. NCI No Yes 7627
18813 20/04/2017 NCI Prawle Point Contacted by Police and Hazardous Waste Unit re container on beach. CRT tasked to deal with it. NCI No No n/n
18747 05/04/2017 NCI Prawle Point Reported disabled jetski to CG. ILB launched to tow in safely. NCI Yes Yes 6109
18009 08/12/2016 NCI Prawle Point Relayed MoP report of lifering and buoy to CG. CRT investigating. NCI No Yes 30985
17915 26/11/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported to CG possible rope hazard on beach at high tide. CRT removed rope and floats. NCI No Yes 30208
17849 17/11/2016 NCI Prawle Point RNLI requested monitoring of single-handed yacht in poor conditions. Updated and LB escorted her to safe water. RNLI Yes Yes n/a
17732 02/11/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported to CG tug towing dangerous platform to Tunis as not showing correct day marks. NCI No Yes n/n
17721 01/11/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported to CG craft near FV transmitting Mayday. Monitored return to harbour escorted by LB. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 28560
17712 31/10/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported boat aground to CG. Salcombe HM is aware. Owner safe ashore and ILB will recover idc. NCI Yes Yes n/n
17625 22/10/2016 NCI Prawle Point Observed and updated CG as disabled PB towed in by LB. MCA/HMCG No Yes 27846
17473 05/10/2016 NCI Prawle Point Provided accurate position of disabled FV to CG for LB to tow in safely. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 26538
17349 19/09/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported to CG that disabled yacht was visible. Updated as LB attends to pump out and tow in. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 25096
17322 15/09/2016 NCI Prawle Point CG requested visual watch on FV returning to harbour but said to be short of fuel. Updated when it appeared to be continuing safely. MCA/HMCG No Yes 24689
17082 27/08/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported to CG that disabled MC and LBs were visual. Updated when craft regained power. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes n/n
16931 16/08/2016 NCI Prawle Point CG requested visual search for kayak reportedly off Start Pt. Nothing sighted monitoring continued. MCA/HMCG No Yes n/n
16932 15/08/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported yacht caught in lobsterr potline to CG. Monitored and reported when she eventually got free. nfa NCI No Yes 20840
16845 10/08/2016 NCI Prawle Point Monitored and updated CG during recovery by local craft of disabled MB. MCA/HMCG No Yes 19684
16779 07/08/2016 NCI Prawle Point CG requested visual on disabled RIB drifting near rocks. Thick fog made any sighting impossible. RIB restarted engine and proceeded. MCA/HMCG No Yes 19141
16788 07/08/2016 NCI Prawle Point Assisted with communication with disabled MV. Chan. 65 in use, Chan 16 use being denied by CG. ILB towed casualty in. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 19284
16719 02/08/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported visual contact on disabled yacht and updated CG when. with ALB in attendance, she disengaged autopilot and proceeded. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes n/n
16707 01/08/2016 NCI Prawle Point Informed CG that FV taking on water was visible and relayed her radio messages to CG until she proceeded into port. MCA/HMCG No Yes n/k
16673 31/07/2016 NCI Prawle Point Advised finder of unexploded ordnance to phone police and remain in hotel. Outcome n/k. NCI No No n/n
16527 19/07/2016 NCI Prawle Point Monitored and updated CG during recovery of disabled MB by local boats and Harbour Launch. MCA/HMCG No Yes 16445
16507 17/07/2016 NCI Prawle Point Monitored recovery of disabled yacht and updated CG when towed in by another vessel.. MCA/HMCG No Yes 682
16507 17/07/2016 NCI Prawle Point Monitored and updated CG on disabled yacht being recovered by local vessels. MCA/HMCG No Yes 682
16506 16/07/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported to CG that disabled yacht calling PanPan was visual. AWLB attended to tow in safely. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 15920
16331 03/07/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported drifting dinghy indicating 'distress' to CG. ILB attended to tow in safely. NCI Yes Yes 14567
16330 02/07/2016 NCI Prawle Point CG requested position confirmation of injured MoP on coast path. Position passed. Casualty casevaced by CG. MCA/HMCG No Yes 14416
15436 18/06/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported disabled FV close to rocks to CG. Updated as local boats assisted her into harbour. NCI No Yes 2922
14955 05/06/2016 NCI Prawle Point CG requested visual on kayakers reported 'in trouble'. Not sighted due to low visibility. ILB attended and kayakers said to have landed safely. nfa MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 11545
14943 03/06/2016 NCI Prawle Point Relayed to CG Chan. 65 call from disabled MB. CG updated as casualty towed in by local FV. NCI No Yes 11227
14895 31/05/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported visual on disabled yacht to CG. Monitored and reported on LB escort into port. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 10951
14534 26/05/2016 NCI Prawle Point CG requested visual check on vessel operating strangely. Position passed and monitored. MCA/HMCG No Yes 10249
13634 16/04/2016 NCI Prawle Point Alerted CG to disabled FV trying to call them. FV eventually managed to restart engine. NCI No Yes n/a
13626 12/04/2016 NCI Prawle Point Provided accurate position of disabled FV to CG for ILB to tow in. MCA/HMCG No Yes n/k
13603 07/04/2016 NCI Prawle Point Reported capsized RIB to CG. Local boat and ILB took casualties ashore. NCI Yes Yes 6079
13366 25/02/2016 NCI Prawle Point Provided CG with accurate position of disabled FV. LB attended to tow in safely. NCI Yes Yes 3210
13001 06/01/2016 NCI Prawle Point Advised CG that 'white flare' reported was in fact an FV's lights. CG thanked NCI for info. nfa MCA/HMCG No Yes n/n

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Registered Charity No. 1159975