Incident Summaries

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The Total Number of Incidents since we started recording them can be found by selecting '-Year' from the Year filter : 301
Alternatively select a specific year to see how many Incidents were reported for that Year.

During 2020 all NCI stations closed for two months at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. On re-opening most stations were single-crewed for the rest of the year.

Please note: NCI Canvey Island was previously know as NCI Holehaven and moved location on Monday 18 October 2021. All NCI Canvey Island Incident Summaries before that date will be in respect of NCI Holehaven at its previous location.

Glossary of Terms
FAWGI = False Alarm With Good Intent, MoP = Member of the Public, NFA = No Further Action, HMCG, CG or MCA = Coastguard, MisPer = Missing Person
CRT = Coastguard Rescue Team, CGOC = Coast Guard Operations Centre, ILB/ALB/LB = Lifeboats, MV = Motor Vessel, MB = Motor Boat,
ML = Motor Launch, FV = Fishing Vessel, PB = Power Boat, PWC = Personal Water Craft ("Jet Ski"), RIB = Rigid Inflatable Boat,
VLCC = Very Large Crude Carrier, UKBF = UK Border Force
Incident No. Date of Incident Station Name Incident Summary Initiated by Lifeboat involved MCA MCA No.
13366 25/02/2016 NCI Prawle Point Provided CG with accurate position of disabled FV. LB attended to tow in safely. NCI Yes Yes 3210
13001 06/01/2016 NCI Prawle Point Advised CG that 'white flare' reported was in fact an FV's lights. CG thanked NCI for info. nfa MCA/HMCG No Yes n/n
13462 16/09/2015 NCI Prawle Point Reported drifting empty fishing dinghy to CG. LB launched and recovered drowned casualty NCI Yes Yes 14971
13463 12/09/2015 NCI Prawle Point Reported large coaster failing to show AIS to CG, who would 'deal with it'. NCI No Yes n/n
12262 26/08/2015 NCI Prawle Point Reported MoPs dangerously cliff jumping to CG. LBs deployed but jumpers had left area. NCI Yes Yes 12843
12217 18/08/2015 NCI Prawle Point Provided accurate position of disabled RIB, monitored and updated CG as LB towed casualty in. NCI Yes Yes 12050
12135 08/08/2015 NCI Prawle Point Assisted LB to find two canoeists in difficulty. Potential casualties then escorted to safety. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes n/k
12055 30/07/2015 NCI Prawle Point Reported lone kayaker struggling in heavy conditions. ILB (already at sea) sent to investigate but kayaker refused assistance. nfa NCI Yes Yes 9684
12054 30/07/2015 NCI Prawle Point Monitored and updated CG during LB recovery of disabled yacht. Radio contact to direct LB to casualty not utilised. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 9701
12035 26/07/2015 NCI Prawle Point Provided name to CG of FV close to yacht with rope around propellor requesting assistance. FV approached but casualty decided to continue under sail. NCI No Yes n/n
12026 25/07/2015 NCI Prawle Point Reported visual position of disabled FV and others in vicinity. FV towed in by another. nfa NCI No Yes 9118
11859 04/07/2015 NCI Prawle Point CG requested visual and updating on capsized kayak. Craft observed and CG advised as situation developed. No person found. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 7190
11836 02/07/2015 NCI Prawle Point Informed CG that yacht reporting overheating engine was visual and not in immediate danger. Updated CG when engine restarted. MCA/HMCG No Yes 6961
11687 09/06/2015 NCI Prawle Point Provided accurate position of yacht calling PanPan to CG for LB to tow in safely. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 5205
11705 04/06/2015 NCI Prawle Point Reported visual contact and updating to CG on two FVs in near collision until they managed to cut gear free and proceed. NCI No Yes 4784
11564 11/05/2015 NCI Prawle Point Informed CG that another yacht was in vicinity of one possibly requiring assistance. Casualty recovered by LB. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes n/n
11382 25/03/2015 NCI Prawle Point Relayed MoP report of dinghy ashore with engine failure. ILB attended to recover safely. NCI Yes Yes 1581
14098 04/06/2014 NCI Prawle Point Provided position of disabled FV to CG for safe towing in. NCI No Yes 1938
14101 26/05/2014 NCI Prawle Point Identified to CG name of sports boat hazarding divers. Skipper subsequently interviewed by HM and CG. MCA/HMCG No Yes 361356
14055 15/04/2014 NCI Prawle Point Passed information on distressed yacht to CG for LB to recover safely. NCI Yes Yes 356909
14044 05/04/2014 NCI Prawle Point CG requested any visual on yacht 'lost in fog'. Vessel and position provided for LB to escort in safely. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 1098
14036 15/03/2014 NCI Prawle Point CG requested visual on MoP report of 'people in water'. Nine kayakers sighted and reported. NFA MCA/HMCG No Yes 354 05
14034 04/03/2014 NCI Prawle Point CG requested visual-with other Stations- of lone rower en route west. Monitored until out of sight. MCA/HMCG No Yes 353 01
14033 21/02/2014 NCI Prawle Point CG requested visual on container adrift. Monitored until out of sight and shipping advised by CG. MCA/HMCG No Yes 584
14032 18/02/2014 NCI Prawle Point CG requested visual on disabled FV under tow. Tow monitored until into harbour. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 560
01442.2 07/12/2013 NCI Prawle Point CG requested monitoring of disabled FV under tow. No sighting. nfa MCA/HMCG No Yes 4770
01413.2 21/10/2013 NCI Prawle Point CG requested visual on MoP report of flashing light. Confirmed as a race mark. nfa MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 4218
13126 04/07/2013 NCI Prawle Point Identified dinghy in distress and provided position for LB recovery. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 2287
13089 02/06/2013 NCI Prawle Point Relayed MoP report of injured woman. Recommended helo casevac. Casualty with paramedic transferred to hospital. NCI No Yes 322889
13028 28/03/2013 NCI Prawle Point Updated CG on disabled Motor Cruiser incident until power restored and escorted into harbour. MCA/HMCG No Yes 865
12278 03/11/2012 NCI Prawle Point CG requested monitoring and updates on disabled yacht. Casualty towed in by Harbour Launch. MCA/HMCG No Yes 4862
12202 17/08/2012 NCI Prawle Point Relayed messages to CG re injured surfer and provided updates for ILB to recover for hospitalisation. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 295752
12187 05/08/2012 NCI Prawle Point CG requested monitoring of recovery by LB of disabled FV. Updating reports provided. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 293638
12125 26/06/2012 NCI Prawle Point CG requested visual on disabled yacht. Radar position reported for LB to tow in safely. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 2565
12109 10/06/2012 NCI Prawle Point Relayed PanPan from disabled Fv to CG. ILB towed casualty into harbour. NCI Yes Yes 3589
12078 11/05/2012 NCI Prawle Point Relayed calls from MV to CG re injured crewman. Helo casevac to hospital. MCA/HMCG No Yes 1765
11182 24/07/2011 NCI Prawle Point Reported visual on lost diver.Assisted Dive Boat to recover safely. nfa NCI No Yes
11175 22/07/2011 NCI Prawle Point Reported visual on damaged yacht and monitored progress into harbour.Nfa NCI No Yes 3128
11064 14/04/2011 NCI Prawle Point Reported position of disabled yacht and monitored tow in by LB. NCI Yes Yes 1355
11054 07/04/2011 NCI Prawle Point Reported disabled speedboat and assisted CG to contact passing yacht to tow in safely. NCI No Yes 1220

© National Coastwatch Institution 2012-2025
Registered Charity No. 1159975