Submitted by Mike Smith00 on Thu, 15/02/2018 - 14:10 Incidents Logged Total Number of Incidents: 493Incidents NCI Initiated: 300Incidents NCI Assisted: 193NCI initiated Lifeboat Rescue: 218 Vessels and Craft Logged Commercial: 230,790Leisure: 308,168Military and Auxilaries: 6,713Other Craft: 20,391 Watchkeeping Total Hours - single watchkeeper: 39.143Total Hours - more than one watchkeeper: 223,265Total watchkeeper hours: 262,408 Personnel Watchkeepers other than Trainees: 2,093No of Trainees: 255Cadets: 7Others in Support roles: 57 Other Info No. of Stations: 50No. of DFS: 46% DFS: 92More than 10 yrs Service: 372More than 15 yrs Service: 98More than 20 yrs Service: 29More than 25 yrs Service: 0Ladies as % of Membership: 18