Incident Summaries

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The Total Number of Incidents since we started recording them can be found by selecting '-Year' from the Year filter : 301
Alternatively select a specific year to see how many Incidents were reported for that Year.

During 2020 all NCI stations closed for two months at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. On re-opening most stations were single-crewed for the rest of the year.

Please note: NCI Canvey Island was previously know as NCI Holehaven and moved location on Monday 18 October 2021. All NCI Canvey Island Incident Summaries before that date will be in respect of NCI Holehaven at its previous location.

Glossary of Terms
FAWGI = False Alarm With Good Intent, MoP = Member of the Public, NFA = No Further Action, HMCG, CG or MCA = Coastguard, MisPer = Missing Person
CRT = Coastguard Rescue Team, CGOC = Coast Guard Operations Centre, ILB/ALB/LB = Lifeboats, MV = Motor Vessel, MB = Motor Boat,
ML = Motor Launch, FV = Fishing Vessel, PB = Power Boat, PWC = Personal Water Craft ("Jet Ski"), RIB = Rigid Inflatable Boat,
VLCC = Very Large Crude Carrier, UKBF = UK Border Force
Incident No. Date of Incident Station Name Incident Summary Initiated by Lifeboat involved MCA MCA No.
52302 20/01/2025 NCI Prawle Point Off duty W/K arrived at lookout, and became unwell. After initial advice, his condition worsened, 999 was called. Ambulance and CRT arrived, and casualty was airlifted by air ambulance to hospital. NCI No Yes 001758
52301 19/01/2025 NCI Prawle Point MOP advised NCI he had become separated from his wife. NCI informed him she had been seen outside visitor centre. He was invited in as he had a heart condition. Wife then called, and they were , reunited. All well. NCI No No n/a
51798 16/11/2024 NCI Prawle Point Local motor vessel contacted NCI to report engine failure and requested assistance. HMCG informed, no immediate danger. Nothing else heard while lookout open. NCI No Yes 544655
51717 07/11/2024 NCI Prawle Point NCI heard call on Ch16 from yacht with engine failure. Needed help to enter harbour. Harbour office contacted, and advised yacht call on Ch14. NCI called on Ch65 to advise. Vessel entered harbour , safely without assistance. NCI No No n/a
51684 04/11/2024 NCI Prawle Point NCI heard Pan Pan from motor boat with smoke from engine. HMCG informed NCI had visual. . Local F.V offered assistance. Casualty vessel dropped anchor. ILB and AWLB tasked, and vessel towed to port., Engine no longer smoking. CRT met vessel in harbour. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 543259
51290 25/09/2024 NCI Prawle Point Vessel called HMCG re. loss of power, required assistance. NCI had visual, CG informed. ILB tasked, and towed casualty ti harbour and safety. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 538295
51252 22/09/2024 NCI Prawle Point FV reported to HMCG a partially submerged sports boat. NCI called XG to report poor visibility so nothing seen. AWLB tasked, and checked vessel. No persons present and were unable to attach a tow line, CG informed and an 'all ships alert' was issued. RNLI Yes Yes 537927
51233 19/09/2024 NCI Prawle Point Two walkers arrived at NCI Prawle Point with one with injured leg. NCI contacted HMCG and CRT was tasked and ambulance liaised with them. casualty had broken leg, CRT departed NCI to minor injuries dept NCI No Yes 537361
51189 14/09/2024 NCI Prawle Point NCI Prawle Point spotted woman on seaward side of rocks - tide incoming -Contated HMCG with the concern - 2 snorkellers then spotted. All 3 were seen to make way back. Incident closed NCI No Yes 836646
51313 29/08/2024 NCI Prawle Point NCI heard radio traffic between HMCG and a yacht. Vessel had been logged by NCI, later spotted at anchor. Position supplied to CG, monitoring requested. Vessel had a fire on board which had been , extinguished. Cg asked to be updated, as comms were difficult. NFA. MCA/HMCG No Yes 534114
50720 09/08/2024 NCI Prawle Point NCI observed a yacht with power failure and start drifting. HMCG informed. CG contacted vessel asking if assistance required. They declined as they were confident they knew problems, , Vessel weighed anchor, and later contacted NCI to say problem was solved and they were under way. CG advised. NCI No Yes 529750
51314 06/08/2024 NCI Prawle Point NCI monitored a call to HMCG from a RIB with engine failure, and drifting. NCI had visual, CG advised. Vessel then advised CG they had restarted engine and were returning to harbour. NCI monitored. MCA/HMCG No Yes n/a
50686 05/08/2024 NCI Prawle Point NCI observed a suspicious object in the water, HMCG informed. Object was stationary. A passing yacht had also reported object. Incident closed. NCI No Yes 529067
50648 03/08/2024 NCI Prawle Point MOP called HMCG re. kayaker moored to buoy offshore. Second MOP called NCI with same concern. NCI reassured CG they had been monitoring kayaker and there was no problem. He then returned to shore. MCA/HMCG No Yes 528701
50432 18/07/2024 NCI Prawle Point Yacht issued Pan Pan due to loss of power. Not visible to NCI as 6 miles away. Local FV offered assistance, and NCI then had both vessel in view as it towed casualty to harbour. NCI monitored. MMO No Yes 525263
50220 27/06/2024 NCI Prawle Point HMCG tasked NCI Prawle Point to make visual search for SUP - nothing found but constant watch maintained, sighted SUP matching on shore. CG informed MCA/HMCG No Yes 522150
50052 14/06/2024 NCI Prawle Point Sailing vessel contacted NCI requesting assistance. HMCG informed, giving position. 2 local yachts offered assistance until AWLB arrived. LB escorted casualty to harbour and safety. NCI Yes Yes 519898
49847 24/05/2024 NCI Prawle Point French vessel contacted HMCG in French, CG thought it to be in Salcombe area and needed help to anchor. CG and vessel unable to understand each other. NCI asked for visual - negative. NFA MCA/HMCG No Yes n/a
49646 08/05/2024 NCI Prawle Point HMCG called NCI re. report of kayaker in difficulty. Visual requested, but poor visibility made visual impossible. ILB tasked to casualty. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes n/a
49557 02/05/2024 NCI Prawle Point HMCG tasked NCI Prawle Point to monitor vessel (already under observation) which had lost power and to stay on watch until ALB recovered MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 513370
49483 22/04/2024 NCI Prawle Point NCI Prawle Point observed Rib chasing dolphins - reported to Salcombe Harbour who spoke to them on return NCI No No N/A
48682 18/01/2024 NCI Prawle Point NCI observed a drifting yellow object, HMCH informed. Nearby vessel investigated, and suspected temporary fishing buoy adrift. CG informed. NCI No Yes 501580
48387 16/12/2023 NCI Prawle Point NCI observed a large fridge floating in the sea. HMCG informed, and a local Navigation Warning was issued. NCI No Yes n/a
48281 03/12/2023 NCI Prawle Point NCI observed fishing vessel suspected of illegal fishing. IFCA informed. IFCA tracked vessel and decided it was legal, NCI thanked for vigilance. NCI No No n/a
48209 24/11/2023 NCI Prawle Point HMCG Tasked NCI Prawle Point to make visual for Sloop last reported 23/11/23 - informed HMCG nothing found or had been logged MCA/HMCG No Yes 542908
48201 22/11/2023 NCI Prawle Point NCI Prwle Point observed trawler in area of forbidden fishing - nets clearly visible. Photo evidence sent to IFCA who will invetigate NCI No No N/A
48110 10/11/2023 NCI Prawle Point Yacht issued Pan Pan with engine failure, south of lookout. Able to make way slowly. HMCG informed that NCI had visual. Casualty monitored by NCI until safely in harbour. NCI No Yes 541365
48048 04/11/2023 NCI Prawle Point NCI observed chemical tanker behaving suspiciously, frequently reversing for several hours. HMCG informed, and CG investigated. NCI No Yes n/a
47897 26/10/2023 NCI Prawle Point MOP reported to NCI an unmanned RIB tied to rocks on beach. No Outboard. HMCG informed. NCI No Yes n/a
47693 05/10/2023 NCI Prawle Point NCI Prawle Point observed drifting tender. Reported to HMCG . Local fisherman recovered to Salcombe NCI No Yes N/A
47495 19/09/2023 NCI Prawle Point HMCG called NCI re, report of catamaran sailing close to shore in Force 8 south westerly. NCI had visual, and monitored until entered port. MCA/HMCG No Yes 535101
47287 03/09/2023 NCI Prawle Point Yacht reported engine failure. NCI gave HMCG position, and advised casualty was under tow from a second vessel into port. MCA/HMCG No Yes 532879
47110 22/08/2023 NCI Prawle Point Yacht called HMCG with engine failure. NCI advised they had visual, and advised re. nearby vessels. Motor cruiser towed casualty to harbour. MCA/HMCG No Yes n/a
47093 21/08/2023 NCI Prawle Point Pan Pan issued from angling charter with engine failure. NCI informed HMCG they had visual. NCI asked to monitor. Second FV went to assistance and tow casualty into safety of harbour. MCA/HMCG No Yes 530472
47075 20/08/2023 NCI Prawle Point Yacht issued a Pan Pan - stuck on pots. NCI informed HMCG they had visual. Fishing vessel called to say they were caught on their pots. AWLB tasked, however yacht freed itself and proceeded onward. , Next NCI station informed. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 530156
47026 15/08/2023 NCI Prawle Point Motor launch broke down and attempted to make way using auxiliary engine. NCI informed HMCG. Other vessels attempted tow, until ILB arrived and took over tow into harbour. NCI Yes Yes 529103
46885 04/08/2023 NCI Prawle Point HMCG called NCI asking for visual of angling charter with engine failure. NCI confirmed, gave position, POB, and nearby vessels. ILB tasked and towed casualty to harbour. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 526970
46862 03/08/2023 NCI Prawle Point HMCG called NCI re. kayaker reported to be in trouble. NCI had visual, no problem apparent. NCI advised CG of vessels in area, one of which CG asked to investigate. Kayaker proceeded safely onwards. MCA/HMCG No Yes 526770
46863 03/08/2023 NCI Prawle Point HMCG called NCI re. RIB washed ashore. RIB not visible to NCI. CRT secured RIB above high water mark. Harbour informed, owner to be contacted. MCA/HMCG No Yes n/a
46643 16/07/2023 NCI Prawle Point MOP called NCI re. RIB aground, people in water. HMCG informed, but already aware. AWLB and ILB tasked. NCI asked to monitor. AWLB launched small RIB, recovered casualties from beach., Vessel disappeared from view as tide came in. NCI Yes Yes 523892

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Registered Charity No. 1159975