Incident Summaries

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The Total Number of Incidents since we started recording them can be found by selecting '-Year' from the Year filter : 8503
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During 2020 all NCI stations closed for two months at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. On re-opening most stations were single-crewed for the rest of the year.

Please note: NCI Canvey Island was previously know as NCI Holehaven and moved location on Monday 18 October 2021. All NCI Canvey Island Incident Summaries before that date will be in respect of NCI Holehaven at its previous location.

Glossary of Terms
FAWGI = False Alarm With Good Intent, MoP = Member of the Public, NFA = No Further Action, HMCG, CG or MCA = Coastguard, MisPer = Missing Person
CRT = Coastguard Rescue Team, CGOC = Coast Guard Operations Centre, ILB/ALB/LB = Lifeboats, MV = Motor Vessel, MB = Motor Boat,
ML = Motor Launch, FV = Fishing Vessel, PB = Power Boat, PWC = Personal Water Craft ("Jet Ski"), RIB = Rigid Inflatable Boat,
VLCC = Very Large Crude Carrier, UKBF = UK Border Force
Incident No. Date of Incident Station Name Incident Summary Initiated by Lifeboat involved MCA MCA No.
50371 10/07/2024 NCI St Alban's Head Student was reported missing to NCI. Initial search, followed by call to school and HMCG. CRTs tasked, Police informed. Casualty later found safe and well. NCI No Yes 524027
50377 10/07/2024 NCI Shoreham HMCG asked NCI to scan area after call from MOP re. kite surfer in difficulty. NCI reported casualty ashore without board. Board not found after further search. MCA/HMCG No Yes 523999
50349 08/07/2024 NCI Torbay HMCG asked NCI for visual on a yacht which had reported unsure of position. NCI maintained a watch for vessel during shift but not seen. MCA/HMCG No Yes 523791
50350 07/07/2024 NCI Porthcawl HMCG called NCI re. report of 3 MOP possibly cut off by tide. Camera and visual search carried out. ILB and CRT tasked, 3 MOP then seen on cliff top, ILB reported no persons trapped., It appeared that they were climbers, and not in difficulty. Assets stood down. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 523660
50315 06/07/2024 NCI Torbay One adult and one child were adrift in offshore wind in inflatable. NCI had visual, and conned AWLB to casualties. Casualties recovered to beach and were met by CRT. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 523479
50316 06/07/2024 NCI Torbay HMCG called NCI re. report of 2 MOP on SUP in distress. NCI advised CG they had visual. NCI liaised with AWLB, which recovered casualties - all well. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 523458
50339 06/07/2024 NCI Porthcawl NCI observed a surfer, in adverse conditions, being pushed towards rocks. HMCG informed, and attempted to link camera, but unsuccessful. Casualty then on rocks, looking exhausted, CG informed. , Casualty then walked to car park, CG updated. NCI No Yes 523512
50308 04/07/2024 NCI Newhaven NCI observed a sailing vessel at anchor, which went broadside and shipped water. 1 POB with no lifejacket. HMCG advised of concern, but could not contact vessel. CRT tasked, vessel in danger., Person on board attempted to retrieve anchor, AWLB and HELO tasked, vessel drifted towards rocks. and casualty evacuated by HELO winch, believed broken leg, and met ambulance. Vessel confirmed wrecked, on rocks. Casualty taken to hospital by ambulance. NCI Yes Yes 523231
50298 03/07/2024 NCI Teignmouth NCI observed a dinghy in harbour,2 POB, drifting and unable to start engine. NCI contacted LGs who deployed jetski, and attended casualty. Engine was started, HMCG informed, and ILB tasked. , ILB towed casualty back to harbour. NCI Yes Yes 523073
50277 02/07/2024 NCI Nells Point NCI observed 2 MOP in an inflatable kayak, towing a SUP, going with the tide. When they tried to return, NCI expressed concern and rang HMCG, and were asked to monitor. Eventually they were , lost from view, presumed heading ashore, CG informed, NFA NCI No Yes 522940
50278 02/07/2024 NCI Portland Bill Vessel contacted NCI with engine failure and declared Pan Pan, which was relayed to HMCG. AWLB tasked, conned onto vessel by NCI, and towed it to harbour and safety. NCI Yes Yes 522974
50270 02/07/2024 NCI Gorleston NCI observed a MOP threatening to jump from pier. CRT and Police persuaded casualty to return to safe side of fence, and was escorted away by Police. NCI No Yes 522920
50282 02/07/2024 NCI Bass Point Yacht called HMCG re. failed sail drive, no immediate problem. NCI had visual, CG informed - no action required. Vessel made steady progress until watch closed. MCA/HMCG No Yes 522984
50333 02/07/2024 NCI Stone Point NCI observed a yacht flying French flag run aground at river mouth. Seastart were on scene, and advised NCI they had set an anchor and removed one occupant. 4 remained on board to await tide. , HMCG advised of situation. NCI monitored situation, and HM advised they had returned crew member to vessel, and it would await tide. No damage visible. NCI No Yes 522959
50252 01/07/2024 NCI Cromer NCI observed 2 children cut off by tide. W/K waded in and carried one child back to safety, other W/K assisted parent and other child scrambled back safely. NCI No No n/a
50264 01/07/2024 NCI Porthcawl MOP informed NCI there was a dead dolphin in bay. Informant asked for photo and exact location. This was passed to HMCG. CRT tasked, and usual procedures initiated. NCI No Yes 522805
50248 30/06/2024 NCI Portscatho NCI observed a dinghy, 2 POB, with engine trouble. HMCG informed. CG issued a call for any vessel to help and a yacht answered and towed casualty back to safety. NCI No Yes 522684
50256 30/06/2024 NCI Shoreham NCI observed a kite surfer in difficulty. HMCG informed, but NCI lost visual due to weather. ILB tasked, and was conned to casualty, which turned out to be a free diver with large fins, and was fine. NCI Yes Yes 522637
50262 30/06/2024 NCI Porthcawl NCI observed an open water swimmer making slow progress. Local LGs also expressed concern and asked NCI for visual. Jetski then appeared next to swimmer. HMCG then called and were linked, in to CCTV. Casualty then was seen ashore and safe with LGs. NCI No Yes 522666
50230 29/06/2024 NCI Stone Point NCI observed a motor launch drifting with the tide, having been anchored. No-one visible on board. HMCG informed, and tried to contact vessel, then 3 persons appeared on deck. Anchor was then lifted, , and vessel carried on its way. NCI No Yes 522419
50230 29/06/2024 NCI Stone Point NCI Stone Point observed ML which had been anchored, drifting with the tide - no persons on deck. Called HMCG who tried to radio vessel. 3 persons appeared on deck and lifted anchor and motored off NCI No Yes 522419
50244 29/06/2024 NCI Mablethorpe LGs reported a missing child. NCI offered help to search. CRT were on the way. Then came a report the missing child had been found, and reunited with parents RNLI No Yes 522465
50228 28/06/2024 NCI Torbay NCI observed a stationary vessel, appeared to be fouled. 3 POB gave distress signal with arms, HMCG informed, but had been called by casualty. AWLB tasked, and towed casualty to harbour. NCI Yes Yes 522317
50229 28/06/2024 NCI Calshot Tower HMCG asked if NCI had visual on vessel with engine failure and sail problem. Confirmed by NCI. ILB tasked, and was conned to casualty by NCI, and towed vessel to safety. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 522316
50231 28/06/2024 NCI Shoreham HMCG asked NCI for visual on a surfer reported to be in difficulty. Nothing seen, RNLI asked for visual as it was ready to launch, then casualty was seen walking up beach safely. Assets stood down. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 522336
50228 28/06/2024 NCI Torbay NCI Torbay observed stationary vessel appeared to be entangled. giving distress signal raising arms. Called HMCG who had already received call and logged 522319. AWLB launched and recovered NCI Yes Yes 522317
50229 28/06/2024 NCI Calshot Tower HMCG called NCI Calshot Tower asking if they could see Vessel after a report of engine failure and broken sail- NCI confirmed position and conned LB on CH65 - LB recovered casualty MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 522316
50231 28/06/2024 NCI Shoreham HMCG called NCI Shoreham asking if had eyes on surfer reported in difficulty. Nothing found- continued monitoring. CG advised surfer making his way back to shore. ILB and NCI stood down MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 522336
50243 28/06/2024 NCI Porthcawl HMCG tasked ILB to person on rocks - potential suicide. NCI trained camera to site but only fisherman visible. ILB had no sighting, then it was confirmed it was a mistaken identity. MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 522301
50215 27/06/2024 NCI Torbay HMCG contacted NCI Torbay following MOP concerned for safety of windsurfer appeared to be in trouble.NCI recognised him as a regular in the bay, and he was on way back to beach. All OK MCA/HMCG No Yes 522190
50218 27/06/2024 NCI Exmouth MOP called NCI Exmouth reporting capsized dinghy - NCI located on CCTV - contacted HMCG- advised to monitor- dinghy righted and mde way to shore NCI No Yes 522126
50220 27/06/2024 NCI Prawle Point HMCG tasked NCI Prawle Point to make visual search for SUP - nothing found but constant watch maintained, sighted SUP matching on shore. CG informed MCA/HMCG No Yes 522150
50221 27/06/2024 NCI Calshot Tower Maday heard - no response from HMCG - NCI Calshot Tower called CG and relayed Message. CG then made a Mayday Relay on CH 16 YBS struck underwater obstruction. LB tasked to recover safely to harbour NCI Yes Yes 522110
50227 27/06/2024 NCI Gosport Pan Pan from motor cruiser with failure of one engine. Vessel proceeding to port on one engine. NCI had visual, HMCG and HM informed. Casualty seen to enter marina safely. NCI No Yes 522154
50214 26/06/2024 NCI Torbay NCI Torbay observed 4 males with spades digging up rocks/earth and throwing over cliff. <ales repeated activity and lit fire. NCI contacted police whon dealt with matter NCI No No
50192 26/06/2024 NCI Shoreham HMCG contacted NCI Shoreham to make visual for capsized kayak - found gave bearing and distance. ILB recovered casualty MCA/HMCG Yes Yes 521915
50197 26/06/2024 NCI Llandudno NCI Llandudno received text message to display of ch00 with associated audible warning. Nothing in vicinity. Contacted CG sent photo who investigated. CG called back message from Irish CG. - no , further action NCI No Yes 521925
50202 26/06/2024 NCI Porthcawl NCI Porthcawl asked to assist in search using CCTV for elderly person by Police and HMCG, Eventually stood down after person found safe and well Police No Yes 521955
50203 26/06/2024 NCI Fleetwood NCI Fleetwood observed 4 people and dogs walking into incoming tide. tried to attract their attention - failed. Called HMCG - they realised the danger and waded back to shore, escorted by CRT NCI No Yes 521939
50207 26/06/2024 NCI Mablethorpe NCI Mablethorpe observed unidentified object in water - contacted HMCG who tasked CRT to attend - who took over from NCI NCI No Yes 521924

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Registered Charity No. 1159975