During 2020 all NCI stations closed for two months at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. On re-opening most stations were single-crewed for the rest of the year.
Incident No. | Date of Incident | Station Name | Incident Summary | Initiated by | Lifeboat involved | MCA | MCA No. |
51755 | 11/11/2024 | NCI Polruan | NCI observed a suspicious package on beach. HMCG informed, asked NCI to inform Police. Police attended, observed to package and then left. | NCI | No | Yes | POL179 |
51756 | 11/11/2024 | NCI Polruan | Off duty W/K reported a fishing net washed onto rocks, possibly an illegal net. Harbour authority informed, who asked NCI to inform Fisheries enforcement. F.V recovered the net, NCI concerned for , safety of crew. | NCI | No | Yes | n/a |
51745 | 11/11/2024 | NCI Nells Point | NCI observed a lone swimmer struggling, HMCG informed, and assistance advised. ILB tasked, and escorted swimmer ashore, and handed casualty to CRT. | MMO | Yes | Yes | 544115 |
51749 | 11/11/2024 | NCI Porthcawl | NCI observed a MOP giving cause for concern. Walking unsteadily, possibly intoxicated or in distress. HMCG informed, but NCI told to call Police. Police said they would respond, but by time lookout, closed, no police had arrived. Second MOP was sitting with casualty. | NCI | No | No | PO1232 |
51739 | 10/11/2024 | NCI Shoreham | HMCG called NCI re. fishing vessel casting nets close to shore. I/d of vessel given to CG. CG reported that a MOP had reported 3 divers in water close to FV. ILB tasked, and contacted vessel - VHF , radio was turned off. All divers then seen by NCI to leave water safely. | MCA/HMCG | Yes | Yes | 544021 |
51754 | 10/11/2024 | NCI Nare Point | NCI observed a floating mass, considered a hazard to navigation and wildlife. HMCG informed, and told of a F.V fishing close by. CG asked vessel to investigate. Mass was reported to be a mass of , jelly fish. NCI were asked to inform any vessels without AIS nearby of hazard. | NCI | No | Yes | 543869 |
51721 | 08/11/2024 | NCI Worms Head | 2 MOP reported to NCI possible casualty on rocks below cliff. W/K investigated while HMCG were informed. Casualty had head injury. CRT tasked, and family informed. CRT requested ambulance but none, available. CRT recovered casualty to cliff top, and transported to holiday residence. Family took casualty to hospital. | NCI | No | Yes | 543779 |
51725 | 08/11/2024 | NCI Teignmouth | MOP informed NCI an object had washed ashore on beach. HMCG informed - told to phone council. No response from beach manager, CRT team arrived, prom cordoned off, and Police arrived., Object was a navigation mark. | NCI | No | Yes | 543740 |
51728 | 08/11/2024 | NCI Hengistbury Head | NCI observed a MOP standing close to cliff edge. Appeared agitated when approached. HMCG informed, and tasked assets to location. Casualty was found by Police at visitor centre and taken into care. | MCA/HMCG | No | Yes | 543769 |
51717 | 07/11/2024 | NCI Prawle Point | NCI heard call on Ch16 from yacht with engine failure. Needed help to enter harbour. Harbour office contacted, and advised yacht call on Ch14. NCI called on Ch65 to advise. Vessel entered harbour , safely without assistance. | NCI | No | No | n/a |
51696 | 06/11/2024 | NCI Felixstowe | NCI observed a line of fishing floats drifting offshore. HMCG informed. UKBF tasked, and was conned on by NCI. Cutter liaised with F.V. and recovered debris. | NCI | No | Yes | 543492 |
51701 | 06/11/2024 | NCI Torbay | HMCG called NCI asking if they had heard a Pan Pan. Reply was negative, monitoring requested. CG then issued DSC alert and called on Ch16. Nothing heard. | MCA/HMCG | No | Yes | 543545 |
51709 | 06/11/2024 | NCI Brancaster | HMCG tasked CRT to ordnance found on beach by MOP. NCI monitored area for beach users. Bomb Disposal team conned to location by NCI. When tide ebbed, a controlled explosion was carried out. | MCA/HMCG | No | Yes | 543054 |
51686 | 05/11/2024 | NCI Fleetwood | HMCG called NCI re. report of bait digger being cut off by tide. NCI confirmed he was getting cut off, and was wading though waist deep water. CRT tasked, casualty reached shore, and was met by CRT. | MCA/HMCG | No | Yes | 543337 |
51704 | 05/11/2024 | NCI Porthcawl | HMCG called NCI asking for help to locate a vulnerable person. Camera link established and search initiated. CRT tasked. Casualty was located by Police - assets stood down. | MCA/HMCG | No | Yes | 543385 |
51684 | 04/11/2024 | NCI Prawle Point | NCI heard Pan Pan from motor boat with smoke from engine. HMCG informed NCI had visual. . Local F.V offered assistance. Casualty vessel dropped anchor. ILB and AWLB tasked, and vessel towed to port., Engine no longer smoking. CRT met vessel in harbour. | MCA/HMCG | Yes | Yes | 543259 |
51689 | 04/11/2024 | NCI Froward Point | Pan Pan received from vessel with engine problem and smoke. HMCG informed casualty help was on way, FV offered help. Casualty deployed anchor. AWLB and ILB tasked, and towed vessel to safety of port., See I/R 51684 as incident recorded by both stations. | MCA/HMCG | Yes | Yes | 543259 |
51681 | 02/11/2024 | NCI Porthcawl | HMCG called NCI re. report from MOP of a kite surfer in difficulty. Search commenced, CRT tasked to location, search was negative, ILB tasked. Large balloon seen, and informant thinks thought that may, have been what they saw. Assets stood down. | MCA/HMCG | Yes | Yes | 543080 |
51653 | 02/11/2024 | NCI Worms Head | NCI observed 3 MOP cut off by tide - used siren and loudhailer to tell them to stay. HMCG informed, CRT and ILB tasked, casualties recovered by ILB | NCI | Yes | Yes | 543080 |
51660 | 02/11/2024 | NCI Hengistbury Head | NCI observed a motor launch aground on sand bank. ! person in water trying to walk it into deeper water. HMCG informed, monitoring requested. Casualties deployed anchor, and 2adults carried 2children , to the shore. Second vessel then ran aground, 2 POB, no lifejackets. CG informed. NFA while lookout remained open. | NCI | No | Yes | 543074 |
51663 | 02/11/2024 | NCI St Alban's Head | MOP informed NCI of an abandoned inflatable on shoreline. HMCG and Border Force informed. CRT tasked, sighted the item, which was a badly damaged tender in rocks. Photo sent to B.F. | NCI | No | Yes | 543050 |
51666 | 02/11/2024 | NCI Shoreham | HMCG called NCI re. report by MOP of 5 kayaks possibly in difficulty - one had capsized. NCI established visual, had been previously logged, and they were making steady progress back to port. NFA | MCA/HMCG | No | Yes | 543030 |
51673 | 02/11/2024 | NCI Whitstable | Off duty W/K reported to station he was in touch with 2 persons on board a grounded yacht. They intended to stay on board until next tide. HMCG informed, and requested crew contact them on 999., Message relayed to informant, and on to crew. | NCI | No | Yes | 543061 |
51635 | 30/10/2024 | NCI Mablethorpe | NCI asked to assist in search for a vulnerable MISPER in vicinity of lookout. Police and CRT in attendance. CCTV used, and lookout used as search hub. Police then confirmed casualty had contacted, them and their whereabouts were now known. NFA | Police | No | Yes | PO1561 |
51624 | 28/10/2024 | NCI Newhaven | NCI observed a lone MOP, visibly upset, sitting on cliff edge. HMCG tasked CRT, who asked NCI for location. Casualty moved away, CRT made contact and safely removed casualty from edge. | NCI | No | Yes | 542397 |
51618 | 27/10/2024 | NCI Wells-next-the-Sea | NCI observed 5 MOP possibly cut off by tide, HMCG informed, ILB tasked. Search revealed casualties had waded ashore to safety. | NCI | Yes | Yes | 542288 |
51629 | 27/10/2024 | NCI Porthcawl | NCI observed 2 RIBs, one of which had broken down. 1 POB on broken down RIB. Second tried to tow . HMCG informed, ILB tasked, and both RIBs assured LB they were fine, with all equipment needed., NCI monitored until safely back ashore. | NCI | Yes | Yes | n/a |
51606 | 26/10/2024 | NCI Brancaster | NCI observed 5 MOP cut off by tide. 2 waded ashore, 3 remained on island. HMCG informed, RNLI hovercraft tasked, and recovered casualties to mainland, no injuries. | NCI | Yes | Yes | 542133 |
51608 | 25/10/2024 | NCI Felixstowe | Local gig reported to NCI a kayaker potentially in trouble. HMCG informed, CRT and ILB tasked. casualty was reported to be fine, no assistance required. | NCI | Yes | Yes | 542013 |
51610 | 25/10/2024 | NCI Shoreham | NCI observed an inflatable drifting to the west. HMCG called NCI as MOP had reported concern. NCI informed CG they were 2 fishermen drift fishing, no problem. Vessel moved away later. | MCA/HMCG | No | Yes | 542009 |
51594 | 24/10/2024 | NCI Lee-on-the-Solent | Police approached NCI re search for distressed individual, at same time as HMCG informed NCI of same. CCTV made available, and person seen which helped search. Police then informed NCI person had been, located, CG updated. | MCA/HMCG | No | Yes | 541935 |
51595 | 24/10/2024 | NCI Boscastle | MOP informed NCI a friend intended walking onto the coast path to observe sunrise, but could not be contacted. NCI searched path, without success, HMCG informed. CG then were told casualty had , been found, unwell but not in danger. NFA. | NCI | No | Yes | 541904 |
51599 | 24/10/2024 | NCI Teignmouth | HMCG called NCI re. report of 3 paddle boarders struggling, visual requested. NCI had already logged them as members of surf rescue team. Visual established and all reached shore safely without help. | MCA/HMCG | No | Yes | 541900 |
51586 | 23/10/2024 | NCI St Ives | Deputy Station Manager took ill and collapsed while at Lookout. 999 called to ask for ambulance, but refused as too busy. Called 111 but no assistance given. W/K then drove him home and informed, his wife. Paramedics to attend home. Casualty recovered later. | NCI | No | No | n/a |
51607 | 21/10/2024 | NCI Felixstowe | MOP reported to NCI a dead porpoise was on beach. HMCG informed, CRT tasked. Carcase had drifted offshore so NFA. | NCI | No | Yes | 541536 |
51578 | 21/10/2024 | NCI Llandudno | NCI was informed of a collapsed person in sand dunes. HMCG informed, W/K asked to try to locate casualty, but search was negative. CRT tasked, and situation dealt with by CG. | NCI | No | Yes | 541527 |
51590 | 21/10/2024 | NCI Cromer | MOP handed in a backpack to NCI. They had found it on the beach and no-one had claimed it after 90 minutes. HMCG informed, Photo sent to CG, CRT not available to investigate. Backpack still at , NCI station. Nothing further from CG. | NCI | No | Yes | 541538 |
515569 | 20/10/2024 | NCI Exmouth | Following call from RNLI, NCI confirmed sighting of 1 paddle boarder in estuary, 4 having been logged earlier. ILB launched, NCI unable to contact ILB as 3 others located. HMCG informed. , All PBs then reached shore safely. | RNLI | Yes | Yes | 541345 |
51579 | 20/10/2024 | NCI St Ives | HMCG called NCI re. body boarder in trouble off beach. NCI identified casualty and informed CG a second surfer was paddling to assist. Casualty was safely returned to beach by surfer. CG informed. | MCA/HMCG | No | Yes | 541405 |
51570 | 19/10/2024 | NCI Porthcawl | HMCG tasked CRT re. person stuck in mud. NCI asked to scan area, camera identified casualty and was linked through to CG. Fire service on scene and extracted casualty. All safe, but hospital advised. | MCA/HMCG | No | Yes | 541231 |